So, you’ve been paying a lot of attention to SEO, and you’re starting to see results in the form of more traffic. But traffic only does you a little good if people are buying or interacting with your content the way you want them to. It’s impossible to get everyone who visits your site to buy what you’re selling. But there are ways you can get more paying customers from the traffic you’re currently getting. So, how do you increase your conversion rate? In this article, we’ll be taking you through some easy-to-use tips to convert organic traffic to leads. Here’s a highlight of the five tips we’ll be discussing.
- Customize your content to meet your user’s intent
- Target branded search terms
- Using opt-in forms and pop-ups
- Nurturing is very important.
- Endorse your upgrades
Alright, let’s get started.
Customize Your Content To Meet Your User’s Intent
This tip is tied very closely to the use of SEO. SEO is a great tool to bring in more traffic, but if you don’t use it the right way, that’s all you get. A well-written article with the right amount of keywords can generate traffic but still lack intent. Your content is excellent, but what exactly do you want people to do with it afterward?
To be sure you have avoided falling into this trap, you must review your existing pages. They may lack intent, proper SEO, or both. Check the pages that use transactional terms like “buy,” “review,” or “price.” Do these pages have relevant content that can drive conversion? Is there a clear and direct call to action telling people what to do? If these pages don’t, then you should rewrite them.
Also, moving forward, learn to align your intent with the content type. Ask yourself questions like what stage of the customer funnel you’re addressing. Is your intention to inform, to convince them to purchase, or to discuss a pain point in your process? This tip will guide your SEO and help you generate more leads.
Target Branded Search Terms
Everyone knows that keywords are a great way to generate more traffic. That’s why there are thousands of articles on how to find and use the right one. However, in a bid to do this, people may need to remember to include their brand. The implication of not pairing your brand with your service, i.e., [your company] webinars or [your company] audiobooks, is that you risk losing leads that know your brand by name. Endeavor to make it easier for your potential customers to locate your services. I would suggest creating one or a couple of pages on your site that make this type of content accessible. So, seek out these search terms and satisfy their needs. The leads you gain through this tip might not be below, but they’re easier to convert.
Using Opt-ins Forms And Pop-ups
These days, it’s not uncommon to see a pop-up asking you to opt-in for emails concerning a visiting page. Adding this feature to your site is a great way to generate leads, as you can use email marketing to push your content. However, to avoid your emails getting moved to the spam folder, consider double opt-ins. In essence, double opt-ins are those emails you get telling you to click on a link to confirm your account. The problem with this is people need to verify their emails. However, the benefit of a double opt-in process is that you have a more engaged list of subscribers. You can get creative with your confirmation pages to push subscribers along.
Nurturing Is Very Important.
As I said earlier, it’s only possible to convert some of the traffic you get to leads. But that doesn’t mean you can’t try. Keep this in mind when strategizing and creating content. One of the most effective ways of reminding your customers you exist and luring them to your page to make a transaction is through email marketing. Still, there’s an art to using this form of lead nurturing. Not everyone is at the same stage in the customer funnel, and you shouldn’t treat them as such. Websites like MailChimp make it easy for you to send different emails to different groups of customers. Its automation is slightly elementary. In that scenario, you’ll need to look into Mailchimp alternatives. So, you can keep customers who are solely interested in your educational content from those who may have empty carts.
Segmenting your email groups is a great way to make your customers feel you’re paying attention. It would be best if you also took care to sound a little like a telemarketer. Ensure your content offers real value before diving right into your sales pitch.
Endorse Your Upgrades
Everyone wants to level up, so naturally, any organic traffic you generate will gravitate toward your upgrades. But it depends on how you push these upgrades. You can create more conversions by using a more enticing introduction or putting your lead form higher. You can even add multimedia like photos and gifs to your blog post with a clear call to action. To keep your audience coming back for more, you have to give them a reason and tell them how exactly to engage. Don’t just limit the promotions to your site; maximize your emailing list. Tell your subscribers about the upgrades, and if you can afford them, add a link they can use to get a discount. It’s easy for content upgrades to become a rare occurrence, but it’s a great way to get more leads. You’ll see the difference in your conversion rates once you make this a priority.
Conclusion – Convert Organic Traffic
Yes, getting a lot of traffic is fantastic. But it does you no good if you don’t achieve your desired results. These five tips should help you significantly improve your conversion rates. Of course, you can always consult with experts to boost your conversion rates to the next level. A quick search on SEO company Adelaide would yield a list of great SEO companies near you.