Killer Pitch Deck

How to Design a Killer Pitch Deck the Converts

in Detailed Guide on October 31, 2023

Learn the art of crafting a killer pitch deck that grabs attention and convinces investors. Get step-by-step guidance on creating a winning pitch deck in this comprehensive guide.

To form any professional relationship, you need to start on the right foot. Both parties need to understand each other’s capabilities and limitations. In advertising, a pitch deck is the best way to approach new relationships.

Compared to the old, creating a pitch deck is a lot easier. There are dedicated tools and templates out there. Then again, you’re free to use the trusty old Microsoft PowerPoint as well. If you’re pitching an ad campaign, you can easily integrate all your ad screenshots with dedicated tools out there to showcase previous campaign results!

In this post, we’re looking at the basics of a killer pitch deck and how you can convince stakeholders or marketing heads to give you the job. Let’s go.

Understanding Your Audience

Imagine going to a party and striking up a conversation. You naturally tailor your chat based on who you’re talking to, right? It may be hard to understand if you’re new to this, but the same goes for your pitch deck.

The first step is understanding whether your audience is full of investors, potential clients, or future partners. This will help you speak their language and address what matters most to them. Of course, if you don’t speak the same language, it becomes quite hard to land the right clients.

Starting With a Bang

Just like any other aspect of marketing, your opening is your hook. It’s that jaw-dropping trailer that gets everyone buzzing about the movie. It’s the initial bite that hooked you on KFC. You get the idea.

A clever trick is to use a surprising fact or a bold statement to reel your audience in and make them think, “Oh man, this is going to be epic!”

Problem & Solution

Agitating an existing problem is one of the oldest techniques in marketing. When you’re creating the pitch deck, you’re actually marketing your services, right? So, this is where you lay out the drama.

What’s the big problem you’ve spotted in your client’s life, and how does your idea swoop in to save the day? This should always be the heart of your story. Make sure to make it relatable and clear. You want your audience nodding along, wondering how you know about it. If you’re reaching out to the right people, they’ll see the genius in your solution.

Showcasing Your Product

You’ve set the stage. You’ve warmed up the audience. And also you’ve agitated their problem. Now, they expect you to put the fire out that you ignited in the first place. This is where you unveil the star of the show, be it your product or service.

This isn’t supposed to be a shy and reserved debut. It would help if you went all-out to get everyone excited. Whether it’s through images, videos, or a live demo, make sure your audience gets a clear picture of what you’re offering and why it’s a must-have.

Another important tip here is to connect the product/service to the problem you’ve agitated previously. In marketing, everyone knows that your product doesn’t matter. No one cares about it. But they care about solving a problem in their lives.

Talking Numbers: Killer Pitch Deck

If you’re running a show, numbers are your backstage crew. They support the story you’re telling. Use numbers such as the market size, financial projections, and your business model whenever you can.

These are the hard facts that show your idea has legs to run on. Just remember, keep it straightforward and honest. Smoke and mirrors take you only a little in the world of pitching.

Introducing Your Team

Remember to introduce the team working on the project before you wrap the presentation. Potential clients need to know who the rockstars behind this venture are. Highlight the key players on your team, showcasing their expertise and passion.

It’s not only to build rapport but to support your argument further about why the client should hire you. When you manage to display a solid backing to your claims, you automatically increase your chances of success.

Call to Action: Killer Pitch Deck

What kind of marketing efforts are complete without a good CTA? For the finale of your pitch, craft the best CTA you can. It’ll depend on different factors, of course. Are you asking for investments, partnerships, or to get hired? Be clear about what you want your audience to do next.

Interesting Related Article: Local Marketing Techniques To Apply In Your Startup.

Categories: Detailed Guide

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