Best free security WordPress plugins

8 Best Free Security WordPress Plugins

in Plugins on November 18, 2020

Hey, are you looking for free Security WordPress Plugins? If so. Then you are in the right place. In this blog, I have listed the eight best free Security WordPress plugins that you can use to improve the security of your WordPress website and blog.

With the help of these plugins, you can protect your website from malware, hacking attempts, and brute force attacks.

So, without wasting more time, let’s start.

1. Jetpack


This is one of the most powerful and easy-to-use security plugins for WordPress websites. It provides comprehensive WordPress website security, including auto real-time backup and easy restores, spam protection, and more.

With its free version, you will get lots of Important features, such as


  • This plugin protects your website against brute-force login attacks, spam, and harmful viruses.
  • It also provides automatic comment filtering.
  • This plugin provides secure authentication via a WordPress account.
  • Jetpack security plugin comes with website design features and automated marketing tools.
  • It also keeps your WordPress plugins automatically updated.


2. Wordfence


It is one of the most popular and powerful security Plugins for WordPress websites. This plugin comes in both free and premium versions. The free version includes all the important features that will help you protect your WordPress website.

WordFence security plugin provides lots of important features, such as


  • WordFence protects your website from brute force attacks by limiting failed login attempts.
  • This plugin tracks and alerts you about breached password usage so that you can change your password.
  • With the help of this plugin, you can monitor real-time traffic and analyze website Analytics.
  • This plugin comes with Login form CAPTCHA, which stops bots from logging in
  • This plugin monitors visits and hack attempts in real time, including their IP address, time of the day, and the time spent on your website.


3. iThemes Security

iThemes Security

iThemes Security is also one of the most powerful, easy-to-use, and popular security plugins for WordPress websites. This plugin provides 30+ ways to secure and protect your WordPress websites. It is super easy to use, and it comes in both free and premium versions.

This plugin provides lots of Important features, such as


  • It also provides Two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security.
  • This plugin also offers 404 detection and plugin scans
  • Ability to limit login attempts
  • This plugin sends email alerts to notify you of any recent file updates on your website that malicious
  • This plugin offers file change detection, which is important since most webmasters don’t notice when a file is messed with.



4. WP Security and Firewall

WP Security and Firewall

WP Security is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, stable, and well-supported WordPress security plugin. With the help of this plugin, you can easily apply basic WordPress security best practices to your WordPress website.

This plugin provides lots of Important features, such as


  • This plugin provides a “Login Lockdown” feature to prevent brute force attacks.
  • Comment spam prevention
  • Force logout of all users after a configurable time interval
  • It provides you the ability to see a list of all the users who are currently logged into your website.
  • It also comes with basic firewall protection.
  • User account monitoring
  • With the help of this plugin, you can add Google reCaptcha or plain math captchas to the WordPress Login form.



5. Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security

It is also one of the most popular and powerful security plugins for WordPress websites. It is one of the most comprehensive plugins on the internet when it comes to protecting your website. This plugin comes in both free and premium versions. With its free version, you will get lots of features, such as


  • Security Activity Auditing
  • This plugin protects your WordPress website against SQL injections.
  • It lets you conduct the malware scanning
  • Post hack security auctions
  • Blacklist monitoring
  • It keeps track of everything that happens to your website, including file changes, last logins, and failed login attempts.



6. Cerber Security

Cerber Security

Cerber security is one of the most flexible and easy-to-use security plugins for WordPress websites. With the help of this plugin, you can defend your WordPress website against spam, hacker attacks, Trojans, and malware.

This plugin helps you stop spam by using a specialized Cerber anti-spam engine and Google reCaptcha to protect registration, contact, and comments forms.


  • Limit login attempts when logging in by IP address on the entire subnet.
  • It offers two-factor authentication for WordPress websites.
  • Manage multiple WP server instances from one dashboard
  • It also offers an advanced user session manager.
  • This plugin hides WP-ADMIN if a visitor isn’t logged in.
  • Cerber security plugin automatically blocks the IP Subnet class C.



7. Shield Security

Shield Security

Shield security is one of the easiest security plugins for WordPress websites. It is super easy to use, but it also provides powerful protection to block suspicious activity. It provides lots of important features, such as


  • It provides automatic IP Blacklist
  • This plugin provides 2-factor Authentication
  • Firewall protection
  • Automatic updates control
  • Block 100% spam comments
  • Audit trail and user activity logging.
  • Powerful core file scanner.



8. Defender Security

Defender Security

Defender is a powerful and easy-to-use security plugin for WordPress websites. This plugin comes in both free and premium versions. With its free version, you will get lots of important features, such as


  • It provides 2 step verification
  • This plugin provides unlimited files scans
  • IP Lockout notification and reports.
  • Timed logouts for brute force attack prevention.
  • WordPress core file scanning.
  • 404 limiters for blocking vulnerability scans.
  • IP Lockout notification reports.



So, that’s all from this blog. I hope you enjoyed the list of 8 best free Security WordPress plugins. If you liked this article, then please share it with your friends and Twitter followers.

If you have any questions related to this blog, please let me know in the comments section below.

Categories: Plugins WordPress

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