Accordions are very good for a variety of unique design challenges on a WordPress site, and clean web design technology allows you to display content in the compressed tab. Are you looking for the best Free WordPress Accordion Plugins? Then you have come here to the right place. In this article, we have listed 25 Best Free WordPress Accordion Plugins on the Market today. All these Free WordPress Accordion Plugins are made from Bootstrap and responsive in the design. You can add unlimited Accordion and collapse with unlimited colours. You can choose any single Free WordPress Accordion Plugin from the archives and create your attractive accordion section on your website.
Accordion FAQ
This is one of the best Free WordPress Accordion Plugins. If you need an awesome accordion FAQ plugin, then this is it. Responsive Accordion is built with an excellent accordion FAq builder for WordPress. You can add unlimited accordions and collapse them with unlimited colours.
Helpie FAQ
Helpie FAQ is a quick and easy way to add FAQ accordions anywhere on your site. It can be integrated with WordPress plugins such as WooCommerce, Elementor and Helpie Knowledgebase.
Creating accordion content wasn’t easy before. You will really love how it works and how you can display accordion content on your page or anywhere via shortcode.
Accordion Menu
Accordion Menu gives you complete control over menu levels, colours, animation effects and more. All accordion menu themes come with their settings and preset skins that can be customized without any HTML or CSS knowledge.
Accordion’s WordPress plugin is a fully responsive HTML and CSS3 plugin that offers a modern and engaging user experience.
Accordion and Accordion Slider
Accordion and Accordion Slider (Horizontal and Vertical) – Responsive and Touch-enabled accordion for WordPress Website.
WPB Accordion Menu or Category
Showing WordPress accordion menu or any WordPress category accordion with submenu/subcategory support. It has icon picker support both for the menu and category.
Easy Accordion
Easy Accordion Pro allows you to add multiple accordions to your WordPress website. You can place them in posts, pages, sidebars, or anywhere else you want them to appear.
The freedom to explore and track all the categories you need at a glance: YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion offers a clear and practical toggle accordion to choose exactly where you want to go, both from WordPress and WooCommerce categories.
Accordeon Menu CK
Accordeon Menu CK shows an accordion menu in any sidebar position. Just create a WordPress menu, select this menu in an Accordion Menu CK widget, and that’s it.
WPB woocommerce accordion
This plugin will add a nice and animated Woocommerce product accordion by shortcode to your WordPress sidebar. On accordion content, it will show product details, images, prices, and an add-to-cart button.
Simple Wp colorfull Accordion
Accordions is a pure HTML and CSS3 responsive accordion grid for WordPress. With this plugin, you can display an unlimited accordion grid on the same page via a shortcode.