Free WordPress Menu Plugins

30 Best Free WordPress Menu Plugins

in WordPress on December 10, 2018

The menu is an essential component of any successful website. It helps visitors roam around. Suppose you want visitors to your website to find the best content. Then you come to the right place. In this article, we are writing about the best free WordPress menu plugins. Free WordPress Menu Plugins are plugins of those types that allow you to upgrade your default WordPress to a multi-dimensional navigation structure. They can store lots of information and rich media such as images, videos, etc., which makes the navigation of your website easy and effective. You can download the Free WordPress Menu Plugins below.

Max Mega Menu

Max Mega Menu

Max Mega Menu will automatically convert your existing menu or menus into a mega menu. You can then add any WordPress widget to your menu, restyle your menu using the theme editor and change the menu behaviour using the built-in settings.



WP Mobile Menu

WP Mobile Menu

This is one of the best Free WordPress Menu Plugins. WP Mobile Menu is the best WordPress responsive mobile menu. It provides your mobile visitors with easy access to your site content using any device, smartphone, tablet, or desktop.



Responsive Menu

Responsive Menu

Highly customizable Responsive Menu Plugin for WordPress. With over 150 customizable options, you get a combination of 22,500 options! No coding experience or knowledge is needed, and with an easy-to-use interface, you can get it looking exactly as you want with minimal fuss.





The Sticky Menu (Or Anything) On Scroll plugin for WordPress allows you to make any element on your pages “sticky” as soon as it hits the top of the page when you scroll down.



Menu Icons

Menu Icons

This plugin gives you the ability to add icons to your menu items, similar to the look of the latest dashboard menu.





QuadMenu is a WordPress mega menu plugin that allows you to easily integrate the menu into your theme’s project. This plugin allows you to create mega menus, tab menus, and carrousel menus in a simple and native way, converting your existing menu into a powerful tool.





This is one of the best Free WordPress Menu Plugins. ShiftNav is an awesome mobile menu for WordPress. It looks and acts like native app off-canvas slide-out menus for popular apps like Facebook, Gmail, etc.



Advanced Sidebar Menu

Advanced Sidebar Menu

It uses the parent/child relationship of your pages or categories to generate menus based on the current section of your site. Assign a page or category to a parent, and this will do the rest for you.



WP Responsive Menu

WP Responsive Menu

WP-Responsive Menu is a simple plugin that lets you add a highly customizable responsive menu to any WordPress site in no time at all. Customization can be done directly from the settings page, with no coding needed.



Accordion Menu

Accordion Menu

Accordion menus are widely used for navigation, sliding, minimizing, and maximizing content. They can be expanded whenever and however needed, saving valuable space while displaying a wide range of content.



Admin Menu Editor

Admin Menu Editor

Admin Menu Editor Lets you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change permissions, and more.



Editor Menu and Widget Access

Editor Menu and Widget Access

This open-source and lightweight plugin allows users with the role of editor or shop manager to access the menus and widgets areas of the appearance menu in WordPress’s admin area.



Menu Image

Menu Image

Adds a field to load the image in a menu item and display the image inside the link in the menu before the text.
Now, you can upload the second image and set it to the mouse over/out effect.



Login Logout Register Menu

Login Logout Register Menu

Login Logout The Register Menu plugin allows you to add login, logout, register, and profile links to the navigation menu.



WP Floating Menu

WP Floating Menu

WP Floating Menu is a FREE WordPress plugin that improves the usability of your WordPress website by providing a one-page navigator menu or sticky navigation menu.



SlickNav Mobile Menu

SlickNav Mobile Menu

This plugin adds SlickNav Responsive Mobile Menu functionality to WordPress.



Restaurant Menu

Restaurant Menu

This is one of the best Free WordPress Menu Plugins. The MotoPress Restaurant Menu plugin is an easy-to-manage modern solution for building online menus for restaurants, cafes, and other typical food establishments on any WordPress website.



Login then logout

Login then logout

With this plugin, you can easily add a dynamic login/logout menu item to any menu on your WordPress site. The menu item will change based on whether the current user is logged in or logged out. You can also set a specific login page URL, a login redirect URL, and a logout redirect URL.



Exclude Pages From Menu

Exclude Pages From Menu

The Exclude Pages From Menu plugin provides an easy option to remove any page from the navigation menu.



Float menu

Float menu

Float Menu is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to create and place a unique floating menu on your website. The extension allows users to get access to the functions of the panel regardless of its position on the resource.





Divi Mega Menu by QuadMenu is the best plugin for easily integrating a Mega Menu into your themes.



Quick Restaurant Menu

Quick Restaurant Menu

Quick Restaurant Menu allows you to create quick menus for eateries, cafes, bars, and restaurants. You can include images, descriptions, sizes, and images.



WP Home Page Menu

WP Home Page Menu

The WP Home Page Menu plugin adds a home page menu to your site’s navigation bar, which points to your site’s home page.





This feature enables you to specify that a menu item on your WordPress custom menu will open in a new popup window. An admin page allows you to control the size of the popup window and whether it has scrollbars.



AP Mega Menu

AP Mega Menu

AP Mega Menu is a FREE WordPress plugin for mega Menus. With it, you can easily add several widgets column-wise, configure them, and create a great horizontal and vertical mega menu.



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