Guide To Use The Elementor for WordPress

The Ultimate Guide To Use The Elementor for WordPress: 8 Essential Tips

in WordPress on March 21, 2020

Building WordPress pages is easier when you use the right tools. One such tool is Elementor for WordPress, which helps you build pages seamlessly.

You may have heard about Elementor before, but you need to learn how to use it to build WordPress pages. Although you probably have been using it, you’ve yet to fully maximize its potential.

Whichever category you find yourself in, this guide will show you how to use Elementor to build WordPress pages. You also get to learn how to install Elementor and WordPress Elementor plugins that serve specific purposes.

But first, let’s get the basics.

What is Elementor?

Elementor is a page builder plugin for WordPress that allows you to create unique and customized pages for your website. It enables your website pages to stand out from the lot.

In the early days of WordPress website building, web designers relied solely on WordPress themes and page templates to build web pages. There were a plethora of standard pre-installed designs out there available to users.

The big challenge was how to avoid using a template that another business or brand has already used. It was almost impossible. As a matter of fact, hundreds of other businesses use every template you use.

Getting a custom design was a significant challenge for brands and business owners. Of course, every brand has to be unique in its voice, service, and presentation.

The WordPress Elementor plugin became the solution to this problem.

The best part is its user-friendliness. There are no technicalities involved in navigating the Elementor for WordPress. It has a simple drag-and-drop workflow, and anyone with the necessary computer skills can find their way around the plugin.

How to Install Elementor for WordPress

You may not be very familiar with the Elementor plugin, but it’s quite easy to install and use.

To start the installation process, visit the Elementor WordPress page builder website. On the home page, you’ll see the “Get Started” button. Clicking on the button takes you to a page where you’ll be required to sign up.

When you sign up, you can choose a pricing option that suits your budget. There are three pricing plans: the lowest is $49/year, while the highest is $199/year.

Unfortunately, Elementor discontinued the free download option. However, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

When you’ve purchased the Elementor plugin, go to your WordPress backend to add the plugin. Follow the prompts, and in no time, you will install the plugin into your WordPress backend. Easy Breezy.

With the basics out of the way, let’s look out for tips to help you make the most of the Elementor page builder WordPress plugin.

8 Tips to Effectively Use the Elementor for WordPress Plugin

The Elementor WordPress plugin provides many options for customization and creativity. However, we sometimes underuse or misuse it, thereby not fully taking advantage of its potential.

Here are tips to help you put the Elementor plugin to its best use.

1. Make Use of Pre-Installed Templates When Necessary

It’s always cumbersome and overwhelming to start a page design from scratch. It’s both time-consuming and physically draining. There’s a lot of back and forths that come with building a web page from the beginning.

The WordPress Elementor plugin comes with pre-installed templates to save you time and stress. The templates’ design allows you to rework them to suit your specific needs.

The templates aren’t like the WordPress page builders we’ve encountered before. You can creatively tweak the templates to get the perfect design.

If you still decide — and you have the time — to build from scratch, the plugin makes it easy for you with its drag-and-drop feature.

2. Speed up Your Page Building Process with Shortcuts

If you’re a designer, you’ll agree with me that shortcuts can save your life — and time. They help you get things done more quickly than you would have running your cursor across your screen.

Beyond the everyday copy-and-paste shortcuts, there are other sophisticated shortcuts at your disposal.

Here are a few of these shortcuts:

  • Undo — Ctrl / Cmd + Z
  • Redo — Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + Z
  • Copy — Ctrl / Cmd + C
  • Paste — Ctrl / Cmd + V
  • Paste Style — Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + V
  • Delete — Delete
  • Duplicate — Ctrl / Cmd + D
  • Save — Ctrl / Cmd + S
  • Preview — Ctrl / Cmd + P
  • Mobile Editing — Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + M
  • History — Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + H
  • Navigator — Ctrl / Cmd + I
  • Template Library — Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + L
  • Keyboard Shortcuts — Ctrl / Cmd + ?
  • Quit — ESC

Just as you can use Pick the Writer to get competent writers fast, these shortcuts help you speed up your workflow.

3. Save Every New Design for Reuse

The more you work with the plugin, the more creative you become. It feels cool to be creative every single time you build a new page.

However, you may want to use a particular design over and over again. Because the creativity so enamors you, or you want to maintain uniformity across your pages. You don’t have to remake that design every time you want to use it.

Saving new designs saves you the stress of redesigning them whenever you need to use them again.

4. Use the Custom Color Palette to Define Your Color Choices

Identifying the color patterns palette that defines your brand is unique to designing. Having these handy makes future designs much more time-saving.

In the Elemntor plugin setting, you can add your favorite colors to a color palette. It makes it easy for you to access them anytime you need to use them for designs.

5. Reuse Designs on Other Websites by Importing or Exporting Them

This feature helps you if you’re working on a local website. Using the import/export feature, you can easily design the pages on Elementor and transfer them to the webpage.

This cool feature lets you make changes to a website without affecting its functionality. The changes can only take effect when you’ve exported the design. The page can keep running while you make the changes.

6. Use the Navigator to Find Your Way Around the Sections

The Elementor plugin’s interface is user-friendly by default. Anyone with the necessary computer skills can navigate it seamlessly.

However, there are times when you might be working on a long page or have many sections to work through. The navigator tool makes it easy for you to move through these sessions easily and quickly.

You can access the navigator window by right-clicking on a widget and scrolling to the navigation button. The navigator is ideal when you’re working on intricate designs or pages with so many items.

7. Get Your Basics Configured

Before you start working on the Elementor interface, you have to set it up. There are essential settings that you may not need to change now and then. These are the settings you must put in place before you begin any design.

Don’t jump into any design without carrying out this basic setup. Otherwise, you will find it challenging to figure out a solution when something goes wrong quickly.

8. Employ the Services of Add-ons

Like any other plugin, some add-ons aid your work within the Elementor interface. These are third-party add-ons that you can install separately after setting up the Elementor plugin.

There are a few add-ons at your disposal. They are:

  • Powerpack for Elementor, which comes with over 40 widgets.
  • Elementor Extras, which gives you both widgets and design settings.
  • Elementor Pack, which gives you 100+ widgets and 150+ templates.


Having the WordPress Elementor plugin installed is one thing. However, taking advantage of its full benefits is a different ball game. The tips I shared in this guide will help you make the most of your Elementor plugin functionalities.

Author’s Bio

Thomas Lore is a 23-year-old writer. He is also a creative and diligent freelance blogger who is always seeking new ways to improve himself. Thomas is very versatile, and he wants to reach the top with his writing skills.

Read Here – How to Get Started With Elementor

Categories: WordPress

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