Hey guys, today, in this article, we are going to discuss the new technology used by architects and interior designers. So keep reading.
Architects and interior designers are responsible for conceiving and shaping our built environment. These two professional fields have always swiftly incorporated new technologies as they have emerged. The recent ubiquity of personal computing and intelligent software has impacted architecture and interior design massively. Here are some of the new technologies to use in these two fields.
So without wasting time, let’s start our topic with the new technology used by architects and interior designers:
Floor Planning Software
All architects and interior designers are familiar with the concept of floor plan design. Floor planning involves the careful mapping out of interior space. These plans include keys that indicate where doors, windows, and amenities are located within a home. There are several commonly used types of floor plans commonly used in architecture, interior design, and property sales. Traditionally, all floor plans were 2D affairs, sketched out with a ruler and pencil or put together on limited software.
In recent years, floor plans have evolved. The new software has enabled the easy creation of 3D floor plans that give some life to the symbols used. Instead of simply displaying a basic door symbol, for instance, a 3D floor plan can show an image of an actual door. This enables clients to see a more realistic representation of a space.
Virtual Reality Headsets
Architecture and design are two fields in which Virtual Reality technology has found a genuinely practical home. Using virtual reality headsets and 3D drafting software, an architect or interior designer can draw up and offer virtual tours of spaces that do not yet exist. This not only improves the ways in which designers and architects can communicate with clients – but also enables them to ‘test’ their designs for faults by experiencing them virtually.
Virtual Reality technology is catching on fast in architecture and interior design. Although virtual reality headsets are expensive, there are budget alternatives. Mobile-based virtual platforms such as Google Cardboard enable virtual tours on an extremely low budget.
3D Printing
Model making has always been a large part of architectural planning and display. The creation of a scale model enables an architect to effectively plan the physical dimensions of space and display those dimensions to their clients and investors. In the past, architectural scale models were very time and labour-intensive. 3D printing technology – in which a design created using a computer is modelled automatically using layers of material – enables architects to turn their digital plans into accurate scale models with very little effort. More and more architects are turning to 3D printing technology in order to save time and increase accuracy.
3D printers and the software needed to run them are becoming increasingly affordable and practical. Now, it is even common to utilize Massive 3D printers to construct full-scale experimental homes using layers of concrete poured automatically.
Internet Of Things
The Internet Of Things is a concept that has existed since 1999. Still, it has only recently been put into practice by designers and architects – made possible by Internet Protocol and ubiquitous wireless internet. An ‘Internet Of Things is a network of interconnected objects that are able to communicate autonomously with one another in order to improve the overall effectiveness of built space.
Now, connecting everything from security cameras to cleaning robots together into a network is possible, as well as collecting and sharing data in order to improve efficiency. IoT technology is one of the hottest trending developments in both interior design and architecture. At the moment, architects are only utilizing this for luxury properties. As more and more devices and household objects become ‘smart’, IoT will undoubtedly become a more commonplace method for the creation of self-improving homes.
Building Information Modeling
Building Information Modeling is more of a concept than a single technology – and it is taking architecture and interior design by storm. Besides this, building information modelling involves the consolidation of design, reporting, and reviewing software so that all parties involved in a project can access and assess plans from a central ‘hub’. BIM software enables the tracking of a project through all stages – from concept to construction. This helps projects to be completed with fewer mistakes and inaccuracies and improves transparency so that clients and stakeholders are not kept in the dark during any stage of a project. Building Information Modelling is quickly becoming a standard feature of large-scale project management.
Generative Design
The generative design harnesses artificial intelligence technology to explore a multitude of design options using spatial and material data. This exciting way of designing spaces uses data analysis to draft potential designs swiftly. Most architects and interior designers do not anticipate the creation of spaces entirely through AI. Instead, they will use AI-generated designs as a starting point – showing them what is possible with the materials and space that they have so that they can work creatively and efficiently. Think of AI as a friend – not a usurping master.
Digital Sketchbooks
Architects and interior designers have been utilizing sketching skills for a long time. But now, Digital sketchbooks have replaced Traditional sketchbooks, often in the form of tablets. Digital sketchbooks make it easier to save, edit and share sketches so that users can use them more efficiently. Most architects and interior designers have done away with traditional pencil and paper sketchbooks and replaced them with tablet applications that work with special pens. However, many will still be partial now and then.
3D Scanning
Interior designers need to get a good handle on the dimensions and prevailing atmosphere of the rooms that they want to reinvent. While they commonly still use traditional sketches and photographs, many interior designers are turning to 3D scanning technology to help them get a better idea of what to plan for. 3D scanning applications allow designers to perfectly capture the dimensions of a room by taking a video using their mobile phones. The app then creates a dimensional scan – allowing them to explore every physical aspect of a room with amazing accuracy. 3D scanning is an important step in the creation of a 3D floor plan or VR tour, so it is a must-have.
So that’s all from our side. I hope you like this article on the new technology used by architects and interior designers.
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