Front-End developer

10 Hacks To Become A Pro Front-End Developer

in Technology on July 18, 2020

Every skill for which we strive hard to master is equally important. You might want to be a Frontend developer, graphic designer, video editor, or even a QA. It takes pure hours and hours of dedication, research work, hands-on experience, a learning curve, the right resources, and time management to ace any of the fields.

One of the most important aspects here is passion and enthusiasm for learning new things from different people or sources. Today, we are going to charge you up in your direction for becoming a Pro Frontend developer with ten simple but essential hacks. Are you ready to get involved in this quick guide to escalate your development experience?

Beginning with a Front-End journey

To begin with, a developer is expected to have a methodology for executing tasks that simplify their daily activities. This is because if you have a streamlined and calculated method, only then can you save time and energy and quickly learn new things that erupt daily.

While we talk about the frontend development environment, you have limitless potential to explore and get yourself into the front seat. The reason is that the developer-friendly ecosystem that has evolved in recent times is the key to developers’ attraction toward frontend development. It also amuses them to work with various frameworks because the environment is so vibrant and empathetic.

Top 10 ways to ace Frontend development ecosystem

It’s time to discuss ten important hacks that will prepare you to be a Pro Frontend developer and hold your head high with pride. Before we begin to discuss ten important hacks, we will divide them into two parts.

The first five will give you an idea of how to prepare for coding and challenges. The next five will take you through essential things before delivering the code to the user and starting the development phase.

1. Self-access skillsets and capabilities –

There are many developers out there who dream about becoming productive rather than successful. Getting into a web development environment is not just about success but about how productive you can become.

After all, you have something to deliver for a user and not describe your success there. The more creativity and thought processes are envisioned in your project, the more refined the results you can achieve.

There are lots of frameworks that are good enough in different areas, but first, you need to ask yourself a question. Are you capable of taking a deep dive and having the vision to identify complexities and give solutions with what you can?

If the answer is yes, welcome to the frontend development world!!! Otherwise, you can always seek the guidance of experienced developers; you have decent years of knowledge in this. Above all this, one thing that I want to convey is that you can start over anytime if you want to.

It just takes practice and making a habit of learning, as well as staying in touch with curious people with similar interests.

2. Making a wise decision with the right choice –

When you are getting your hands immersed in frameworks, always look for what each of them does. It’s important to get your basics clear with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Frontend, and Back-End as a whole. When you have the basics right, you get a clear vision of choosing a framework and start learning about it. Remember, you cannot start it all at one time, but you can go step by step. This will help you to develop problem-solving skills from the beginning.

3. Start your journey from personal project to the client’s project –

This is the most crucial and fundamental step for every novice developer. The learning edge and improvement in skillsets can never be achieved through reading blogs, watching videos, or looking at codes.

When you try it for yourself, you understand the concepts, and you get that programming accent. Look around your environment and start working on a project for which you have an interest or feel comfortable. This will give you the confidence to level up your skillsets and learn new things quickly.

There are lots of internship opportunities out there; try to get into one of the companies to learn more about the environment and development life cycle implemented in the real world. You can also work on a few freelance projects that will help you understand users’ needs and goals.

During this period, you will ultimately achieve and identify interests and a framework that you think is good enough to move forward with. When you feel comfortable working in a Frontend environment, apply for jobs to associate yourself with a company that has frameworks. This will give you an open-hand opportunity to learn, analyze, implement, and practice your skillsets.

4. Pay equal attention to Back-End –

Well, just because you have decided to work in the Frontend environment does not end the story there. To solve the upcoming complexities with coding, you need to have good experience in the Back-End as well.

We understand that Back-End development has often created problems for developers, and for that reason, they are switching to Frontend environments. There, they get an open space to concentrate on user experience, responsiveness, and essential factors.

The back end has also improved a lot, and there are still many things to improve. But understanding the back end architecture helps you handle your projects and their complexities smartly.

Also, within your team, if you have good knowledge of Back-End development, it simplifies the methodologies and communication. This is because you never know when you might have to deal with the Back-End to solve complex issues even though you have the Frontend option.

5. Know your editors better and practice more –

Before you begin with Frontend development or let’s programming, it is of utmost importance that you look for an ideal code editor. This is because you are going to work in that environment for a longer time. If the editor is not up to the mark, you may end up getting distracted from your work.

And no one wants to experience such disastrous things ever. So, it’s always better to try out multiple editors and see what best suits you. The other side of any programming language is a constant practice.

If you make it a habit of coding in the selected editor, you get used to it. This results in increased work efficiency and productivity, along with making you feel refreshed.

6. Think of a design from the user’s perspective –

While we design a user interface or develop a website, the first thing we need to keep in mind is who we are designing for.

Is it for us or a user? If it is for a user, then get into their mindset and start working accordingly. This will help them achieve their design mindset and taste.

As defined by the Interactive Design Foundation, we call it “User-Centered Design.” After all, frontend development is about what you see graphically as a user interface, so you need to be extra careful about that.

7. Never hesitate to get feedback from people –

This may sound simple, but it’s very effective when you are scaling up in your career as a developer. Listening to people and trying to understand what they feel about the design or functionalities that you have implemented will give you a wider thought process.

Look for people within the developer community and ask them about your project. Try to get all the input from them, considering every point as essential.

Meet more developers to learn their work ethics and ideal project development processes.

8. Responsive design across different devices –

This is the most common issue we observe in websites. The user interface looks good, but when you test it on different devices, it turns out to be messy.

Many websites need to be compatible across different screens, which spoils their beauty. Not to mention, frontend development can achieve a responsive design for all devices.

The best practice is to design it for as much screen size as possible. This will help to have similar design output across all devices. Also, you can find some responsive angular templates, which can help you to reduce lots of your workload.

9. Proper functioning of click buttons –

Even you might have experienced many times when you visit a website and click on some random button that does not navigate to the targeted page.

Would you still wait for it to load or get disappointed and close that website? You will switch over to other websites. The main problem here is the proper navigational functions.

If you do not work on click functions in the frontend, it may lead you to zero visitors. So, it’s important to focus on click buttons and where you want to navigate it once a user clicks on it. From the user interface perspective, this is one of the most important features that every developer needs to take into consideration.

10. Creativity is superior –

Yes, you heard it right. Creativity in design is the most important factor in attracting visitors. Just think for a minute: Would you prefer looking at the same design over and over again?

No, never again, right? Similarly, a client expects out-of-the-box design ideas and implementation that give a jaw-dropping feeling to a user. And let me remind you that with Frontend development using frameworks, you can play with creative designs the way you want.

Remember, the more creative people see in your works, the more demand there is for you in the market. So, never stop doing new and small things.

Conclusion – Front-End developer

In this detailed quick guide, we covered ten important hacks that help you become a Pro Frontend developer. However, only if you consider all these points can you achieve your goals, as every single point is most valuable when you are stepping up in your career.

One last thing: frontend development is the future, so get your hands dirty with it and enjoy coding with amazing features.

Bonus Tips

If you are a beginner or pro on the frontend, time is always money for everyone, and to save time and produce quality, ready-made templates can help you to achieve your goal much faster. You can check out some react templates from WrapPixel.

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Categories: Technology

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