WordPress is an open-source website creation platform or content management system. It powers about 35% of websites on the World Wide Web. What’s cool about WordPress is that it is user-friendly. You can also customize it using their web design themes and plugins. Nowadays, WordPress is no longer limited to blogging. In this article, I have listed seven proven ways to make money online using WordPress. Also, you can do a plethora of things on this platform if you intend to make money online. So, let’s start.
1. Freelance Writing
Since WordPress is a popular web publishing software, it makes sense that many people use it to create their blogs. Some do it as a hobby, while others use it to build a career.
What we’re talking about are the many freelance writers who’ve thrived with the help of WordPress.
WordPress is one of the leading platforms for people who want to start a blog. It is also a commonly used platform for many websites that maintain a company blog. Hence, it would help if you’re familiar with how to navigate the platform.
WordPress helps people and businesses alike create a website. Therefore, your clients will be using it, and even you can use it to help build your professional website to attract clients.
2. WordPress Courses
If you like to share your knowledge and expertise with others, consider developing an online course. All you need to do is present your content engagingly and publish it on your WordPress website.
The next step is to implement marketing tactics to build awareness about your online courses. This allows you to promote your classes to people who might need them.
Having a website will allow them to connect to your lessons when they want. It may take work to create the content for the course. But once you have everything set up and running, you can leave it and let the course enrollees come in.
If you want to add more value to your course, you need only update it occasionally.
3. E-commerce and Dropshipping
E-commerce and drop shipping are two online business models that have gained a lot of traction in the last few years, and for good reason. They’re profitable, address many modern customers’ pain points, and are convenient for business owners.
When you’re running an eCommerce or dropshipping business, there are several essentials that you need to have to make it successful. You can connect with the best fulfillment service companies to help you run a smooth dropshipping business too. However, if you don’t have a platform like WordPress in the first place, you’re not going to have a site to call your shop.
Many business owners use WordPress and WooCommerce plugins to build an e-commerce website. You can get the shopping cart functionality, check-out process, and all the features you need to get an eCommerce store up and running.
4. WordPress Theme Development
Another specific way you can start making money through WordPress is by being a theme developer. A theme developer develops and launches themes applicable to WordPress.
This way of making money through WordPress requires specific skills and a lot of time and effort. So it would help if you kept at it to develop profitable ones.
Remember to advertise your WordPress themes, so you get some traction, especially if you’re going to make paid themes. You can start by making free themes to get your name out there or lure in more people who would be interested in the themes you develop.
5. WordPress Plugin Creation
When you use the base WordPress software, it can take you far enough, but if you want to elevate your site, you need plugins.
That’s why plenty of people have made a killing over creating plugins on WordPress. They add that extra bit of customization that will positively improve your website.
Some people start out creating plugins for specific issues they’ve encountered when developing their site. Once they design a plugin for themselves, many find that it could be useful for others, so they create plugins to market to other people using WordPress.
6. Open Consulting Service
If you want to avoid helping people build their WordPress site, you can instead open up a consulting service. Since many people use WordPress for their websites, you know that you have a strong user base.
However, many people set up their WordPress sites by themselves. This gives ample opportunity for a consultant to come in and improve their site.
You can help people go through their site and fix it up, or, depending on what you offer, you can charge for the consultation and fix it up yourself.
This open consulting service is a useful and much-needed service that you can provide for WordPress users. Of course, you need a great WordPress site to convince people.
If your WordPress site doesn’t look and operate well, people will not be confident in your service quality.
7. Paid Membership and Content
Many people post content on their websites or blogs for free, which can be a great opportunity in and of itself.
However, if you want to create more in-depth and precious content, you can set up a paid membership and content system for your WordPress site through a membership plugin for WordPress. All you need would be the right plugins to set everything as you want.
For more in-depth content, like audio or video content or even valuable resources, a paid membership is the way to go.
Of course, you can use free content to advertise your paid membership and content to let people know that you are knowledgeable enough.
WordPress can be an excellent platform for writers or software developers who want to attract more freelance gigs.
There are plenty of avenues and ways you can profit off of the WordPress platform. It is all a matter of hard work, discipline, and research, so try out these ways to make money online using WordPress listed above, and you will soon make money through them.