free keyword research tools

5 Best free keyword research tools for SEO in 2024

in SEO on September 11, 2020

Hey, are you looking for the best free keyword research tools for SEO? If yes, then keep reading because I have something special for you in this post.

If you want to increase the organic traffic on your web pages, you need to invest your time in finding the best keywords related to your industry. A good keyword research tool can make this task easy.

When you do keyword research, you need to make sure that the keyword you select has a high monthly search volume and low SEO completion so that your web pages can achieve an A-ranking position in less time and with minimum effort.

To do keyword research, you need to use a good keyword tool. However, most new bloggers may feel uncomfortable investing their money in premium keyword tools. To eliminate this problem, I have listed the five best free keyword research tools that you can use to find good keywords for your SEO campaigns.

So, without wasting more time, let’s start the list.

Best free Keyword Research tools

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • Keyword generator by Ahrefs
  • Answer the Public
  • Keyword Tool

1. Google Keyword Planner


Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool and its smart and simple UI (User Interface) makes the process of finding keywords very easy for everyone.

With the help of Google Keyword Planner, you can easily find high-quality keywords that have a good monthly search volume in a few clicks. You can use Google Keyword Planner to find keywords for SEO Campaigns as well as advertising campaigns.

This tool provides you with a lot of data, along with average monthly search volume and keyword difficulty, which you can use to optimize your Google PPC campaigns.

With the help of Google keyword planner, you can access real-time data, and it provides a list-type view by which you can easily select the best options for your SEO Campaigns.

2. Google Trends

Google Trends

Google trend is a tool that will help you to know in a particular industry what type of topics are trending. With the help of this tool, you can get an idea about people’s interests. This tool will help you to plan your content calendar by showing you stats related to a particular subject.

Google Trends provides you with real-time data from Google, and it also provides you with lots of options to get a complete idea about the popularity of a particular topic.

3. Keyword generator by Ahrefs

Keyword Generator by ahrefs

The keyword generator tool will provide you with 150 keyword ideas that are related to the keyword you searched.

Let’s say you want to write an article about the Best hosting. What you have to do is search for the best hosting in the keyword generator. It will provide you with information related to your main keyword and related keywords that you can also use on your blog.

Apart from related keywords, the keyword generator also provides you with data, such as estimated monthly search volume and search engine difficulty for a particular keyword. You can also use this tool to find keywords for Bing, YouTube, and Amazon as well. To do that, you need to click on YouTube if you want to find keywords for your YouTube keywords easily, right?

4.  Answer the public (Free keyword research tools)


Answer the public is the Best Tool to find search questions related to your seed keyword. Let’s say if you want to create content for the topic “water bottle,” then what you can do is simply type “water bottle” in Answer the public.

Once you do that, this tool will provide you with a list of all search quarries containing your seed keyword, including what, who, whom, are, is, and when.

Example –

  • What are the best water bottles?
  • Who sold water Bottles?
  • When should you change your Water bottle?

Answer the public tool provides you with lots of questions that people are searching on search engines like Google and Bing related to your industry.

You can make a list of all the questions, and then you can answer them on your blog to make it valuable for your readers.

5. Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool

The keyword tool is a tool that offers both free and premium plans. In its free plan, it provides you with limited information about your keywords.

To use this tool, simply enter your seed keyword or any long-tail keyword about which you want to find information and then hit the search button.

The keyword tool will provide you with data related to the average monthly search volume and keyword difficulty so that you can get a complete idea of the efforts you have to put in to rank higher on Search engines.

The Google Keyword tool also provides keywords for YouTube, Bing, Amazon, eBay, and the Play Store.


Free keyword research tools are good if you have just started. You can find awesome keywords with a free tool, but sometimes, it takes a lot of time. If you want to scale your business or grow your website, then you need to invest your money in a Good premium tool to compete with your competitors. If you want to increase the SEO performance of your website, then you can follow some of these best tips to increase organic traffic.

So that’s all from this blog. I hope you enjoyed the list of the five best free keyword research tools for SEO. If you found this post valuable, please share it with your friends.

Please tell me which free keyword research tool is your favorite in the comments section below.

Categories: SEO

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