How To Use Hashtags On Instagram

How To Use Hashtags On Instagram

in Detailed Guide on July 8, 2021

Hey guys, In this article, I will discuss how to use hashtags on Instagram. So keep reading.

Whether you use Instagram for personal use or your business or brand, you should know that hashtags are a very important part of your marketing strategy. The question is, are you familiar with using hashtags?

Social media is important, and hashtags are a vital part of any modern business plan. However, if you use them incorrectly, you welcome unintended consequences, such as targeting the wrong audience or losing followers.

These consequences can result in a loss of money, so it is important to understand hashtags and how to use them if you need help with how to use hashtags on Instagram.

Here is a simple and brief guide on how to use hashtags on Instagram correctly.

Also, you can check: How To Make The Best Use Of Instagram Stories For Branding And Marketing?

Why Are Hashtags An Important Part Of Your Business Strategy?

Hashtags are the things that drive engagement on social media. They are used to categorize content based on a certain topic or theme. When you add a particular hashtag to your post, that post will pop up on the corresponding hashtags page.

The use of hashtags makes your post more searchable and discoverable and exposes it to a wider audience, which will, in turn, welcome more followers and increase brand awareness.

This is why hashtags should be used whenever you post. Even companies like Growthsilo, an Instagram growth service, use this information to organically get more followers for clients without the use of bots.

Having your content reach a wider audience will equal more customers for your business, which is the ultimate goal because more customers mean more money.

All The Hashtag Types

Now that we’ve established why hashtags are important to use as part of your business strategy, let’s look at the nine different types of hashtags you will find on Instagram.

Product Or Service Hashtags:

These are keywords used to describe your service or product, for example, #shoe #lipstick.

Niche Hashtags:

These are specific hashtags that display where you fit in your industry, for example, #foodblogger #fitnessblogger

Industry Instagram Community Hashtags:

These are hashtags that help you discover the different communities that exist on Instagram, for example, #mothersofinstagram

Special Event Or Seasonal Hashtags:

These relate to things such as seasons or holidays like #springdays #newyearsday

Location Hashtags:

That is a hashtag that shows your location, for example, #lasvegasnights #midnightinparis

Daily Hashtags:

These are hashtags such as #Sundayfunday or #mondayblues

Relevant Phrase Hashtags:

This is a combination of community, niche, and product hashtags.

Acronym Hashtags:

These are hashtags like #OOTD, which stands for outfit of the day, or #TGIF, which stands for thanking God it’s Friday.

Emoji Hashtags:

These are hashtags that have emojis.

Branded Hashtags:

These are hashtags created by your business or brand and are personalized.

How To Find The Best Hashtags For Your Business

Instagram is an open space, which means that it is very easy for you to check out your competition. You should definitely take advantage of this.

It would help if you also created a branded hashtag, which is a personalized hashtag that your business can use to build a community and start a conversation.

Your business should create a branded hashtag because it allows you to monitor what people are saying about your business closely and the community that a branded hashtag builds, which is good for your business.


It is recommended that you switch your Instagram account to a business profile because doing this will give you access to analytics, which are your post insights. You will also be able to see how many impressions your hashtags receive.

This insight helps you determine which hashtags are effective and improve your reach. There are many tools available that can help you track and analyze which hashtags are trending and popular, including:

  • Sprout social
  • Simply measured
  • Iconosquare
  • Keyhole

Instagram is more than just a platform for sharing intimate moments with friends and family; it is a great place for businesses and brands to reach a wide audience and attract new customers.

Hashtags need to be part of your marketing strategy because they are powerful, can expose your content to a wider audience, and help you get more Instagram followers.

There are many different types of hashtags, so you can find one for any content that you want to post.

It is a great idea to create branded hashtags and analyze popular hashtags on Instagram so that you know which to use and which to avoid.

So that’s all from this article. I hope you liked this article on how to use hashtags on Instagram. Thanks for visiting.

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