Hey guys, do you need help to write your first blog post? If you don’t know how to write a good blog post, then don’t worry about it. In this article, I will tell you how to write a good blog post in 10 steps that people actually want to read. Also, I will show you some amazing points to create a blog post that will rank on top and bring more traffic to your website. So, let’s start!
What Makes A Good Blog Post?
One of the first questions a new blogger asks is, “What makes a good blog post?”
So, I am sharing our answer here.
There are a lot of aspects that contribute together to make your blog post impressive and attractive.
Well, suppose you prepare an article that’s very well-researched and beautifully written and comprises all the data your readers are looking for. But if your paragraphs are too lengthy and difficult to read. Also, you forgot to attach images or other media content in your article. So due to all these, there are very few chances that your readers like your post. People are more likely to go “back” than to stay and read the entire article.
Whenever you are writing a good blog, you have to consider…
- How easy is it to read and understand?
- And, how well does it answer your reader’s questions?
- How will it keep attracting more traffic?
- And, how visually engaging is the post?
To help you create an amazing article, I’ll show you the ten best tips that you can easily use to make an amazing article for your site.
So get ready:
Without wasting more time, let’s start with our best points:
Table of Contents:
1. Choose A Good Topic And Understand Your Audience
3. Take Notes And Start An Outline
5. Use Images For Visual Engagement
9. Hitch Your Readers With A Strong Opening
10. Blog Post Timing
1. Choose A Good Topic And Understand Your Audience:
Whenever you are writing a blog post the first and most important step is to pick a good topic according to your follower’s needs.
A good topic will not only attract your viewers but also give you the potential to provide a great piece of content that they will love.
You need only identify your followers’ needs and what they actually want to know and read about so that your post will continue trading after it’s published.
Select the topics with the most potential and popularity.
2. Do Your Research:
You’ve got a topic. Awesome! Now, decide what’s important and narrow things down that make your blog post interesting and more attractive.
Particularly, extract every topic and tap it into your library’s list and database search engine.
Now you found out where to search, type in your topic. I like to use library lists, novels, books, and a search on Google Scholar.
Also, you can use some common tools, including the following:
- Stats and data from reliable sources
- Finding popular articles on a similar topic
- Quotes from authoritative websites
You can easily find all these three tools via Google.
You do not need to be an expert on the topic; all you have to do is do your research to ensure you’re adding value.
3. Take Notes And Start An Outline Method
Whenever you do your research, carry a notepad handy where you can note down the key points and outline your topic.
I like using Google Docs because, unlike using a notepad, I don’t fear losing it.
To begin something, put your thoughts and fix them into some form of structure.
Understand this outline as the foundation of your blog post.
Coordinate the major topics you want to enclose and look into by filling in the sub-topics for every section. Give every section a name.
4. Write A Draft
Now you got the outline, you are ready to write your first blog post. I generally like writing it straight from the WordPress dashboard. If I don’t have to copy and paste it from somewhere else later, then it will take less effort and less time.
Once your content is written, look it over and fix all inaccuracies. For instance, if anything is not in the right position by mistake, you must reorder it accordingly.
Also, as you go along, be sure to fix issues like grammatical errors and unfit sentence development. An immediate way to solve this is to use the Grammar-Checker tool, which allows you to check your spelling and writing for a mistake.
5. Use More Effective Images For Visual Engagement
Use images to make your blog post more effective. Everyone likes articles that are humorous and attractive, have a good laugh, and have well-chosen images that light up the emphasis of your posts and inject some much-needed humor into an article.
No one wants to see such boring blogs in which readers don’t find any flashy stuff that is not scrumptious.
Images make things easy to understand. Things that you can’t explain in words can be done with just an image or a screenshot.
6. Add An Attractive Featured Image
Featured images help you make your blog pages look more interesting.
Your readers don’t want to waste even 5 seconds deciding whether or not to open your post. You should plan if you want a positive response.
They also help you get traffic to your page and build user engagement. Every social media website uses images, and Search engines also use them to display them in search results and social media news feeds.
An attractive featured image is the best way to get more shares, clicks, and engagement to your blog.
7. Optimizing A Blog Post For SEO
If you think you are a good writer who knows how to write a good blog post but it doesn’t get any engagement with readers, it means you’re missing something in your blog!
SEO is important to get traffic to your blog post because it helps you get more consistent traffic to your website. There are many tips you can do to rectify your blog posts for SEO.
To have a lot of readers on your blog, you need to rank your SEO.
You need to add a keyword that is sharpen, do the addition of a title with the keywords in it, and also add an SEO title and narration. Also, you can check 5 Tips To Write SEO Friendly Content.
Your article needs to be more than 300 words, although I suggest you expand it to at least 1000 words.
8. Make Your Blog Scannable
People usually don’t read blog posts word-for-word. Rather, they scan your blog for the data they’re looking for.
Let me introduce you to a few ways to make your blog posts more readable:
- Use Great Headings and Subheadings.
- Use Bulleted or Numbered lists.
- Keep Sentences Short and Paragraphs Shorter.
- Select Simple Words
- Break out quotes and important information
- Use Blockquotes
- Use images early and often
9. Hitch Your Readers With A Strong Opening
We all know the famous idiom “The first impression is the last impression.” This idiom best fits the situation here.
First impressions are a deciding factor for any reader. They determine whether or not your readers want to evolve into the world of your narrative.
If you can connect your readers with a great opening, acknowledge half your work is done. If you start an introduction that is not boring, people will not be upset to read the rest.
The right way to write an introduction is to raise a question addressing the reader’s problem. Then, you can open up with them about how reading your post can help them manage it.
10. Blog Post Right Timing
Now you’re ready to publish your article!
The closing step is to read out your post to yourself. This helps you diagnose errors and improve them before you tap the publish button. Do a keen read-over for grammar, spelling, and formatting, but don’t waste much time.
Recognize your audience and their content expenditure habits before you go for your publishing schedule.
Hit publish at a peak time. On weekdays, the best time for me to publish a blog post is early in the morning between 7 AM and 1 PM EST.
The peak time is between 9 AM and 10 AM, which shows when you can schedule or publish your posts.
Now, we can say how to write a good blog post easily! It wasn’t too difficult. Just follow these energetic steps and see how you can be skilled in the art of writing the best blog post in such a short time.