How To Write An Effective Meta Description

How To Write An Effective Meta Description For SEO

in SEO on September 23, 2020

Whether you’re running a personal blog or an e-commerce business website, your SEO strategy needs to be on point. The only way for you to reach your goals is to ensure your content reaches your target audience. On-page SEO should also be among your top priorities. In this post, we are talking about How To Write An Effective Meta Description For SEO.

A meta description is a short paragraph that appears on the Google results page under the page title. It gives you a chance to attract new audience members and comes across as a better option than your competitors. But, if you need to learn how to write quality meta descriptions, your efforts will be in vain. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 6 best tips to help you write killer meta descriptions.

Let’s start our topic of How To Write An Effective Meta Description for SEO.

1. Be Unique – Every Time

Many marketers, bloggers, and writers make the first mistake of creating a meta-description template and using it repeatedly. The only thing they’d change is the page title or basic page info.

The truth is, this is killing your SEO.

There can be no generic, pre-written meta descriptions. You need to create a unique one every time.

This is the only way for you to ensure that you are:

  • original
  • professional
  • exceptional

Therefore, write fresh, new meta descriptions every time.

2. Answer The Burning Questions

When your target audience is searching for information online, they’ll get hundreds of different pages to choose from. Even on a single results page, you still have a dozen competitors to beat.

This is why you need to use your meta description to ensure your target audience chooses your page.

To do that, your meta description needs to answer the top burning questions:

  • Why do you need to read this page?
  • What will you learn/get/acquire?
  • What makes this page better than all the others?

Use your meta description to tell your audience exactly what content and information to expect, providing a strong reason to choose your page.

3. Insert Keywords Naturally

There’s no SEO strategy without the right keywords. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you need to insert some keywords into your meta description as well.

Here’s what you don’t want to do:

  • keyword stuffing
  • Placing all your main and secondary keywords into a single meta description

It would help if you found a way to include your main keyword and some of the secondary ones, naturally. Make sure to:

  • write sentences that make sense
  • smoothly insert a keyword
  • make it sound natural

Keywords will boost the effect of your meta description without harming the flow of the sentences. This will make it easier for people to read and thus more powerful.

4. Use Simple Sentences

Your meta description should only be a couple of sentences long. The simpler the sentences, the more powerful your meta description.

Here’s what we suggest you do:

  • write short sentences
  • remove any fluff words
  • go straight to the point

Let’s compare:

  • Do you want to buy raw goat milk? We’ve got the best in all of Chicago. Order raw goat milk today, and drink it tomorrow!
  • If you’re looking for a great place to buy raw goat milk, look no further because we’ve got one of the best goat milk stores in Chicago. All you have to do is place your order, and we’ll make sure that it gets delivered no later than tomorrow!

As you can see, both descriptions carry the same message. But, the first one is simpler to read and thus far more effective and memorable.

Find the easiest way to deliver your message, and you’ll do yourself a huge favor.

5. Add A Strong CTA

Every meta description needs that strong message that the readers will be left with. This message is supposed to make them click without even thinking.

CTAs are the best imperative messages you could use. They fit perfectly into the concept of meta descriptions and could help you make that final touch.

Here’s the best way to use CTAs in meta descriptions:

  • place them at the end
  • make them short but strong
  • make them inviting and encouraging
  • create a sense of urgency
  • play the FOMO card

A great, powerful CTA will be able to combine most of the above elements, making sure your meta description is noticed.

Here’s what we have in mind:

  • Place your order today for special discounts!
  • Tell us your business goals, and we’ll make it happen.
  • Treat yourself to a luxury spa treatment or a relaxing massage!

Give your audience that final push, and use CTAs to make them feel like you’re talking directly to them.

6. Don’t Rush It

Finally, there’s one last piece of advice we’d like to share with you.

Even though you’re in a hurry to publish your meta description and have your page up and running, we strongly recommend you take a step back to think.

Make sure to:

  • proofread to perfection
  • Edit until you’re 100% satisfied
  • read out loud
  • ask for a friend’s opinion

Only once you’re sure you did a great job, publish it.

And, if you’re having trouble writing meta descriptions, you could get help from the best academic writing companies. They can help you with writing, editing, and proofreading.

Final Thoughts of How To Write An Effective Meta Description

Meta descriptions are super important for your SEO strategy. They play a huge role in the whole process of improving your online presence and reaching a wider audience.

Use the tips we’ve shared above to create a winning meta-description strategy. Start today, and you won’t have to wait long for the improved results.

Author’s bio.

Daniela McVicker is a passionate digital marketer interested in everything related to SEO and blogging. She collaborates with Essayguard, where she shares her experience and helps marketers make their names in the online world.

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Read Also – 10 Best SEO Tips to Increase Organic Traffic

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