What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

in Hosting on April 9, 2020

What is managed WordPress hosting? Managed WordPress hosting is a type of WordPress-specific hosting with several convenient features that make it easier to speed up, secure, and manage your WordPress website.

Managed hosting is not a kind of plan, as this is the description of the type of server you will receive. Although the majority of the hosting plans leave most of the job up to you, managed WordPress hosting takes some of the responsibility off your shoulders when it comes to keeping your website up and running. It makes it a great choice for most site owners.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting? – A Brief Explanation

Managed WordPress hosting is one form of website hosting solution that is optimized and tailor-made, particularly for supporting WordPress users and websites. With managed WordPress hosting, you have your own team of WordPress hosting experts working on your site. This frees you from the burden and costs of managing your website’s in-house hosting.

Managed WordPress hosting is a separate option from other hosting solutions due to the unique needs of WordPress sites. WordPress websites have various server resource footprints compared to others, and they have unique security concerns. To support them properly, WordPress expertise is a must.

Simply put, this is the hosting made from the ground up to serve WordPress specifically.

Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting

The number one advantage of managed WordPress hosting is the fact that this is a kind of option that is more hands-off. For example, Cloudways offers managed solutions perfect for those who are looking for cloud-based WordPress hosting but prefer the white-glove treatment afforded by a managed service. Features such as automatic CMS updates and daily backups can offer reassurance for those less familiar with website maintenance. This also means there is less need for technical know-how. The hosting service provider is going to help you keep your site in top shape. This will then allow you to focus your full attention and time on content creation, business promotion, and other critical tasks that you alone can do.

Since there are no set criteria when it comes to how a managed hosting plan must look like, what you will get can differ from one provider to the next. But most managed WordPress hosting options can do the following:

  • Handle and take care of updates on your behalf and develop frequent backups of your website for safekeeping.
  • Deal with performance optimization for your site to run fast all the time.
  • Scan your website for any security threat and react right away to deal with any problems that might arise.
  • Configure the server to cater to your needs if you are on a dedicated  or VPS plan.
  • Provide a lot of options for support to answer any questions you might have.
  • Offer staging websites that can help you test updates and changes safely.

Don’t forget that this is all about managed WordPress hosting. This means that your chosen hosting provider is familiar with the WordPress platform from top to bottom and inside out. It is a hosting solution that can prove to be very valuable, particularly when you are still getting started with WordPress, and you have limited ideas on how to optimize your website.

Categories: Hosting WordPress

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