Reasons Why You Should Use Video To Text Converters

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Video To Text Converters

in Technology on March 24, 2022

Hey guys, today in this blog post, we are going to discuss the seven reasons why you should use video-to-text converters. So keep reading.

Video marketing is a crucial part of digital marketing, and everyone focuses on it. However, if you are focusing SOLELY on videos, you’re missing out on a huge amount of potential business.


Nearly 5% of the world population has hearing issues.

Moreover, almost 30% of people prefer reading to watching a video.

That’s a significant number of business opportunities that you’re missing out on if you’re not converting them to text.

With 87% of marketing experts using videos in their strategies, video transcription ensures your reach to a larger audience. In fact, videos with subtitles are great for SEO, have higher engagement, and generate more leads.

In this article, we will talk about why video-to-text converters are great for your digital marketing strategies and why you should use them.

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Video To Text Converters

1. Reach Out To The Deaf/ Hard-Of-Hearing Viewers


Captioning was created to give deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals a similar entertainment experience. Therefore, it’s no surprise that content accessibility is perhaps transcription’s most crucial advantage.

Transcription and subtitles, when used together, make video viewing a great experience for the 48 million Americans who suffer from hearing problems. It also enhances the user experience of the 360 million individuals worldwide who suffer from debilitating hearing loss.

Said said that converting video to text enables these people to enjoy your video material, giving them access and expanding your audience at the same time.

2. Improve Your SEO

It’s been proven that transcription improves your video’s search engine optimization.

SafeNet researched and compared the search rank of websites using video transcripts. In less than a month, pages featuring video transcripts increased the Bing and Yahoo rankings for a specific keyword.

This American Life witnessed a large boost in incoming traffic and user engagement after integrating video transcription into its web pages. The transcript page was seen by 6.26% of all unique users who arrived via search.

Since search engines cannot crawl videos, transcripts highlight the keywords that appear in them and help in rankings.

A transcript improves the searchability of your videos on the internet as well as on your website or repository.

3. Help Students In Online Learning

Students in online learning environments regularly benefit from video transcription and captioning. According to a national survey, 52% of students regarded captions as a beneficial learning tool.

Converting video to text and adding captions will considerably improve the viewing experience for viewers who do not speak English as a first language.

According to the same national survey, captions are extremely useful to nearly 70% of students studying English as a second language. Captions allow students to read along while listening, and they can enhance their reading by watching videos with subtitles.

Captions benefit learners because they grab attention, promote vocabulary learning through numerous modes, and allow students to identify meaning through the deconstruction of linguistic chunks.

4. Get A Higher Reach

Transcripts greatly improve the searchability of your videos. Search engines will not only search your content and bring traffic to your site, but users can also find the appropriate videos.

An interactive transcript allows viewers to search for keywords and see where they appear throughout the text. If a user wishes to go to a certain point in the video, all they have to do is click the word, and the related video begins playing.

You may use playlist search to examine your entire video library for a certain term in addition to looking within a single video. This seamless user experience improves user happiness and the entire user experience.

5. Generate More Leads

How can you increase the number of leads and traffic to your company?

Transcribing your videos to text allows you to generate high-converting, compelling content that will help you increase visitors to your site and develop your email list.

You can easily reuse and tailor content to the preferences of your consumers. Also, you can make a more sophisticated piece of content, like an ebook, using the converted text. You can use these converted texts in various forms like blog posts, marketing emails, etc.

That is great news, considering that 60% of content creators need help to create new content consistently.

6. Accommodate User Preferences

A whopping 85% of users view Facebook videos without sound. Not every visitor is obligated to view or listen to your video content on each visit due to time, location, or even personal preferences. The surroundings may be loud, they may have forgotten their headset, or they simply prefer paper information over visuals.

People on a tight schedule, on the other hand, may urgently need specific information; they may not have enough time to listen to a 30-minute video or utilize a quicker speed reader. As a result, transcription allows your visitors to access your material in a more accessible and trustworthy manner.

Amberscript’s video-to-text converter is a great tool to convert all your videos to text in a few minutes. You can export this converter text to plain text, SRT, VTT, or EBU-STL formats.

Such AI-based transcription tools reduce the chances of errors while letting you convert a large number of videos to text in a small amount of time. This means that you can easily accommodate user preferences without putting in a ton of effort.

7. Increase The Time Spent On Your Videos

Aside from the possibility of recurring visitors, a better visitor experience equates to greater time spent on your website. Since visitors get what they desire, it helps to lower bounce rates.

Subtitles increase the amount of time spent watching videos by almost 12%, and 91% of them are viewed all the way through. This increases the possibility of them engaging with the remainder of your content or advertisements by keeping them on your site longer and absorbing the information.

Video content uses a lot of data and takes a long time to load compared to text information. Bounce rate and page speed are inextricably linked; bounce rates rise as page speed slows.

Having transcripts available allows users to interact with your information even if your website’s load time isn’t optimal or their internet connection is poor.

Furthermore, if the video material takes longer to load, they are more likely to hit the close button out of annoyance.

Wrapping Up

That’s all for this article on the seven reasons why you should use video-to-text converters. Hopefully, you have understood the importance of converting videos to text in digital marketing. Remember, using transcription software will help you generate more leads and increase business multifold.

Categories: Technology

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