Eight Ways To Run A Better Blog

Eight Ways To Run A Better Blog

in Detailed Guide on November 2, 2021

Hey guys, in this article, we will discuss the eight ways to run a better blog in 2024. So keep reading.

Running a better blog requires dedication and an appropriate mindset. When your approach looks scattered, the results likely reflect this lack of focus. To avoid this happening and develop an improved blog, here are eight ways to run a better blog to take on board.

Eight Ways To Run A Better Blog:

1. Develop New Concepts On Digital Paper

2. Ensure Your Keyword Research Is Spot On

3. Avoid Playing Follow The Leader

4. Keep The Number Of Pop-ups To A Minimum

5. Speed It Up!

6. Update Your Blog Regularly

7. Communicate With Readers

8. Conduct Website Analysis

1. Develop New Concepts On Digital Paper

When trying to figure out whether a new section on the site is worth doing, it’s helpful to examine what’s already present. By using a concept map, you can see the topics already covered and the possibly new ones that may branch off into a fresh direction. Conceptualizing the site in this manner allows the owner to take a step back to envision how it’ll look in a year or two.

Will the new ideas be a good fit with the existing content, or will they be a bit of a stretch? Figuring this out before devoting considerable time or resources is hugely beneficial. Using mind mapping is another great way to explore blog ideas and prioritize between them, too.

2. Ensure Your Keyword Research Is Spot On

While you can write about anything under the sun, that won’t do much for you. From an SEO standpoint, Google needs to get a proper sense of what your site is about. When it cannot determine this because the topics don’t form a cohesive whole, they’ll likely be as confused as your readers are.

Perform effective keyword research to discover rank-able search terms with low competition. Using tools like ahrefs and Keywords Everywhere is a good start. Stick to related topics to paint a clear picture for Google so they know how to rank your site.

3. Avoid Playing Follow The Leader

If you’re running a blog rather than a niche site, then readers will subscribe to your RSS feed or visit the site regularly to see what you’re publishing. In this scenario, they value your voice and opinion.

Because the site is likely generating considerable direct traffic (where people type the website address into their web browser or use a saved browser bookmark), you need to be as original as possible. Avoid playing follow the leader when reading the top blogs in your niche and then penning a similar opinion piece.

Doing this will not drive reader engagement when readers realize that they’ve read these same ideas recently. Instead, think deeper about the blog’s subject to let new insights bubble up to the surface. Then, share these with your readers.

4. Keep The Number Of Pop-ups To A Minimum

There is a tendency with a blog to create various pop-ups to alert the reader or catch their attention. This may include a necessary cookie notification but might also include an opt-in newsletter suggestion form, a sales promotion, or something else.

Being overly eager to get readers to share information or opt in can turn them off. Notifications can also become cumbersome when visiting the same site regularly. Less is more here.

5. Speed It Up!

Blogs load slower as the number of published posts grows. The database becomes bigger, and the site begins to feel sluggish. Use plugins to compress the database when it’s becoming resource-heavy. Also, upgrade the hosting to a virtual private server paired with a CDN network to speed up website delivery.

6. Update Your Blog Regularly

When people follow blogs, they usually want to see fresh, new, and interesting content. When running a blog, it’s important to consistently generate new topic ideas and create new content to avoid falling behind and losing the interest of your readers.

Ideally, you should post no less than once per week; successful or large blogs will post daily to give their readers a fresh influx of content on a regular basis. If you’re out of ideas, consider finding people in your industry who can partner with you to guest post on your blog.

Guest posts add a fresh perspective to your niche, diversify your content, and give you a break.

7. Communicate With Readers

Reader engagement is a crucial part of running a good blog. You may want to consider asking your readers to sign up for an email newsletter, which you can then use to send them a weekly or monthly update and round-up of all the new topics that you have posted to your blog, along with relevant information that they may be interested in.

Gathering contact information for your readers and analyzing your email campaigns will also help you get a clearer idea of what your readers are most interested in hearing more about.

8. Conduct Website Analysis

Along with email marketing, website analysis tools can also help you find out more about how your blog posts are performing. Most content management systems, such as WordPress, allow you to see how many click-throughs, reads easily, and visits a blog post has, which enables you to determine what your readers want.

Keeping a close eye on the numbers will help you understand which posts are getting the most traction, making it easier for you to figure out which topics are going to be the most successful to cover in the future.

By investing time into improving your blog, you will prepare it for the next growth phase. Then, nothing will hold you back.

So that’s all from this blog. I hope you liked this article on eight ways to run a better blog. Please share it with your friends and social media followers.

Categories: Detailed Guide

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