What is cloud hosting? Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting using the resources of a number of clustered servers. It basically means that your site makes use of various servers’ virtual resources to communicate every aspect of hosting your website. Cloud servers have all the necessary software they need to run with the ability to function as independent units.
What is Cloud Hosting – The Cloud Defined
The cloud refers to numerous servers connected online that could be leased as part of an application service or software. Services based on the cloud can include data sharing and hosting, application or software use, and web hosting.
The cloud can also pertain to cloud computing, where different servers can be linked together to share the load. This means that instead of using just one powerful machine, complex processes could be disseminated across several smaller computers. Cloud hosting is a more affordable alternative to the conventional model of dedicated servers, where companies are required to manage and build their data centers.
The Architecture of Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting architecture is different from the usual setup that regular web hosting uses. Many shared hosts follow a centralized approach in which a single server holds several websites. However, the moment the server fails or goes down, all the accounts in it will also do.
Meanwhile, cloud hosting and its distributed approach can solve this issue. Since every individual site gets distributed across several locations, you will not experience any downtime, even if an issue occurs with one server within the cluster.
Large websites, such as social networks and search engines, use a distributed approach because no single server can handle the entire load.
Cloud Hosting and Types of Websites That Use It
Just like regular hosting, cloud hosting can also be used by various types of websites. However, there are some instances when it is specifically more popular.
If the site is mission-critical and the company won’t be able to function and run without it, it is a good idea to use cloud hosting. Lead generation sites, high-traffic projects, corporate platforms, and eCommerce stores also prefer the cloud hosting model.
Cloud hosting can make scaling easier if you require additional power. This makes it an appealing choice for publishing firms and news agencies that expect large numbers of clicks or traffic surges on their posts.
Cloud hosting is a great option in many cases, and this makes it a strong rival to virtual and shared hosting servers.
Cloud Hosting in the Future
Cloud hosting has definitely come a very long way since large enterprises started using it a few years ago. However, its price may still need to come down further to make it an equally good option for small businesses. Making cloud hosting more affordable will allow it to see significant growth in the coming years. For all you know, one day in the future, everybody will be on the cloud.